• Mr. Chang Ms. Dipchand Mr. Jacinto Ms. LaGrotta

Friday 1 November 2013

Learning For NOVEMBER!

  • Using "Six Traits + 1" Writing - We are currently working on the First Trait "IDEAS".  Students will be learning how to create and expand their writing ideas using different techniques like "Show Me, Don't Tell Me".
  • Students will start to work on their First BOOKTALK of the year (1 of 3).  The rubric and explanation and modelling of a book will be done in class so that students know what to do.
  • Presentations of the BOOKTALKS will follow suit toward the end of November.
  • We are currently finishing up our unit on Patterning (Unit 1).
  • We will be going back to Unit 2: Number Sense and Numeration and working on our division skills.  Division is usually tough for students but completing homework on time will help with the development of this skills.  Continue with Multiplication skills at home!

  • We are finishing up our unit on "Conservation of Energy". 
  • We will be starting "Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms".  A project will be coming home soon.  Class time and home time will be needed to complete the building of their structure.  (Note: start to save a cereal box in the next couple of weeks as it will be needed for the project).
Social Studies:
  • We are currently finishing up our unit on the "Canadian Government".  We will be reviewing "Rights and Responsibilities" and the "Election Process".